Positive Popcorn

Positivity Popcorn

What in the world is positive popcorn? Well, honestly, it’s something that I made up to help myself and my clients remember things that set in motion positivity .

#1. Reality Check : Try to look at your life, moment from a different perspective.  Is there another perspective available? Does this change how you feel? 

#2. Don’t Make A Mountain Out Of A Molehill : Is what is going on a HUGE issue, or are your feelings making it FEEL like a bigger issue than it really is?  A Mountain is something that you have to navigate around or through, it’s BIG. A Molehill, is well, pretty small in comparison. 

#3. Be in the NOW : Don’t spend every minute planning for tomorrow, or worrying about the past, be present in the moment you are in.
Are you doing what makes you happy in that moment? If it’s in your control, change something to make your moment more pleasurable. 

#4. Help Others : Research shows that when you help others, you feel joy. When you take the focus off of yourself and on something bigger than yourself, it can be very rewarding. 

#5. Do Something Fun: Positive feelings often come from doing something you love, being around friends, being active or being outdoors. What is something that makes you feel happy when you do it? 

These are just a few small trick to help keep positivity in your life. No one is always happy. It is beautiful to feel many emotions. Although when you find yourself wanting a positive boost, maybe you can try one of these positive popccorns, or make up one of your own. 

Want to learn more, or talk with me? Call 720-795-4914.